Worship at Ascension
We worship on Sundays at 10:15 am
In worship God speaks to us through the Word of God, forgives us in the grace-filled waters of baptism, feeds us with the body and blood of Christ, and sends us to love and serve like Jesus.
Depending on the season worship varies in style, from traditional to contemporary. Worship during the summer tends to be less formal. Worship during seasons like Easter and Advent are more traditional.
We primarily draw upon the liturgies of the Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW) hymnal. We also use worship other resources including the Iona Community and contemporary music composers.
We joyfully include many styles of music in our worship and involve musicians of all abilities.
All worship elements are thoughtfully chosen to reflect the church season and deepen our worship experience.
Lyrics and portions of the service are projected so that all may follow along easily. Worship bulletins are visitor-friendly.
A children's message and Holy Communion are offered every Sunday. For children 5 years and younger a nursery is available where parents and guardians may supervise their children. Parents and guardians may also utilize a children's space in the gathering area outside the sanctuary where there are books and an activity table for little ones. Generous windows and a sound system allow parents to see and hear the worship service.
The music of the Chancel Choir, Alleluia Ringers, Harps of Faith, and Ascension Orchestra regularly contribute to enhance worship.